D week.. and review week.. were more like Unschool weeks.. the Dad around here is SO close to being finished getting our "classroom" ready.. we just kinda put things on hold because of my excitement.. We have, however, had a great 2 weeks.. Gavin wanted me to make him wings. So, i did.. Gavin and Abby have been painting a LOT.. We've been swimming. We went to visit Grandma and Grandpa.. We got Mario Cart for the Wii.. and Gavin is really starting to catch on. He's also been LOVING the "Free Draw" on Nickjr.com.. I will add a link for that. :) Today I am going to make Gav a pirate costume, not for Halloween.. but just because he wants to be a pirate whenever, ya know? I will have to take a picture and put it on here. Oh! And we got him an Etch-a-Sketch! He saw it on a movie and later tried to describe what he saw.. He was trying so hard to tell me what he wanted, but I could NOT figure it out.. and then he said, "It's on Little Rascals. I'll show you." We went and fast forwarded through most of the movie until he yelled, "Stop! That!" It was an Etch-a-Sketch.. We couldn't find a big one, but we found a little one! And now he has that in his bible bag, too. It's perfect for church. It may not be normal in most churches, but in ours ... for the first hour families stay together..Yep, kids and all. Anyway, all is well... and Unschooling really does make a bunch of sense.. kids do lead the way in their education.. not that that's how it's gonna be around here or anything.. but I am open to the idea.. on days or weeks that I'm not feeling the whole school deal. I doubt that it's going to hurt them, especially because they are so young right now.. Gavin is not even 3 and a half, yet...
update oct. 2011
we no longer live at "dad's".. so, our classroom is the world, now. as it would have really been anyway. i will surely, soon have a good place to put up our dry erase board that the kids love so much.